Music4Malawi Mixer | RECAP

On the lively evening of June 24, 2023, music enthusiasts and industry professionals gathered at the Music4Malawi Mixer, an event hosted by the Ntha Foundation through the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre. Sunbird capital hotel, pool side buzzed with excitement as guests arrived, eager to connect, learn, and support the Music4Malawi project.

The event kicked off with a speech by Mr. Victor Caesar Gondwe, the Chief Operations Officer of Ntha Foundation. Mr. Gondwe passionately explained the vision and objectives of the Music4Malawi project. He emphasized the project’s commitment to empowering Malawian artists and promoting the vibrant music culture of the nation.

Following the inspiring speech, the guests enthusiastically engaged in networking activities. Artists, musicians, and music enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds mingled, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and creativity. The mixer event provided a unique opportunity for artists to interact and forge connections within the music community.

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