Day 2 of the Kwathu Upgrade Project Workshop
Facilitated by:
Mr. Blessings Katume, lecturer at the University of Malawi (Chancellor College)

on the topic:
Intellectual property focusing on copyrighting for the creative industry.
The highly interactive info session highlighted some of the major concepts in protecting artists’ intellectual property when it comes to trademarking and copyrighting works, the requirements that artists’ works have to satisfy to qualify for copyright, and the different bodies that protect artists intellectual property. Mr. Katume went into detail about the role of COSOMA in protecting Artists’ works and how Malawian Artists can utilize the body to protect their Artistic works, and what action(s) could be taken when any of their Artistic Rights have been infringed.
Contrary to popular belief, COSOMA is actually there to help and protect you as an artist. Make sure you copyright and trademark your works and any other intellectual property you have as soon as you can. There are many benefits to having your works copyrighted. Think what that might do for you in the long term.

The session ended with a round of Q and A to summarize the lesson.

Watch the full session here: