Lupanga is a group inspired by the eagle’s traits. They take on the eagle’s character, flying alone at high altitudes, being fearless, visionary, and never surrendering to challenges. They approach their work with determination and tenacity, just like the eagle. This group embodies authority and wisdom in their endeavors.


Pemphero James Waya  

Age: 22  

Profession: Media Practitioner  


  • Producer at Ancient Music Studios 
  • Writer 
  • Content Creator 
  • Marketer at Redlighttunes 
  • Shop Supervisor at Premier Betting Company 

I feel excited about the project and opportunities it offers to creatives like me. The classes are helping me develop valuable skills, and being the group’s facilitator, I’m gaining experience as a leader, which is a rewarding challenge. Overall, I’m enthusiastic about contributing to the project’s success and making a positive impact. 

Comfort Kaitane  

Age: 19  

Profession: Computer Engineer  

Current Employment: Cloud Business Technologies and Mfuu Creatives Company as a Systems Developer and Graphics Designer.

Not only does this project align with my fields of interest, but it also enlightens me on the best route to take on this creative side of myself to explore the best versions of my inner art. I look forward to becoming the next superstar along with my designated team 🇲🇼🔥.

Victoria Chilemba  

Age: 25  

Profession: Legal Consultant  

Current Employment: Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR).

I feel motivated by the project because the connections I am making now are priceless, and the content I am learning is helpful for my career as an artist. Learning about fellow creatives and their talent has been of great importance, as I am able to grasp similar concepts I share with my fellow creatives regardless of the field they are in. I am learning how art is connected, and how everyone knows something; nobody knows everything. I look forward to contributing a legacy to the Malawian art industry. 

Sbusiswe M Chasweka  

Age: 24  

Profession: Model and Content Creator  

Current Employment: Mkhwasu Organization and other organizations with an NDA.  

Not only am I motivated, but also empowered as a creative, capturing and exploring my impact in the community. I look forward to learning digital branding as a content creator and networking with other creative artists, hoping to exchange knowledge. 

Abdulrazak Moffat  

Age: 25  

Profession: Talent Manager/Content Creator/Videographer  

Current Employment: Umathadaily and Oyamba Foods

I am absolutely thrilled to be part of Music4Malawi’s training program. The platform’s commitment to nurturing young creatives resonates deeply with my passion for music and creative expression. I’m confident that the knowledge and skills I gain here will not only help me grow as an artist but also enable me to contribute meaningfully to the vibrant creative community in Malawi. The program’s resources, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities are invaluable, and I look forward to honing my craft and making a positive impact in the world of music through this incredible initiative. 

Chifuniro Kachimbwi  

Age: 23  

Profession: Musician and Current Student at Music Crossroads Academy.

As a musician, this project will help me in project management, marketing, and self-branding. Not only that, but it will also impact me in different areas as a musician.

Lewis Peace  

Age: 24 

 Profession: Media Communications and Management Practitioner  

Current Employment: Freelance Digital Marketing and Management with GM Communications Solution

I feel exposed and motivated by the project. The training has introduced me to the area of my specialty that I have always wanted to understand more. This is mainly website management and content creation. The other part is learning from fellow creatives and mentors who are gurus in the media aspect. I look forward to gaining more skills, experience, and knowledge. As a media and management practitioner, I aim to bring more to the public and private media and the public sector in the Malawian creative industry. 

The culmination of these collaborative efforts will be showcased at the prestigious NMN Africa “Battle of the Bands” Show.

Here, the Music4Malawi bands will unveil their creative outputs, presenting a mesmerizing blend of sounds, visuals, and narratives that mirror the nation’s multifaceted cultural identity. The world will witness a harmonious symphony that pays homage to the past while dancing fearlessly into the future.

Read more about the rest of the bands here.

Work With Us

Want to partner on or fund one of our programmes / initiatives? We are always open to collaborations and partnerships. Contact our Chief Operation Officer; Mr. Victor Caeser Gondwe via, or give us a call(direct or WhatsApp) on +265991850749.

To keep up with the work of the Ntha Foundation, our hub the Kwathu Innovation & Creative Centre, our initiatives and our projects, follow us on social media:





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