Securing the third position at the NMN Awards Battle of the Bands and winning 600 euros is an incredibly gratifying experience for Kwanu N’kwanu Band. As a collective, they feel deeply honored and grateful for clinching the third spot.
This achievement is a testament to the unwavering support and synergy within their group. Each member played a vital role, and together, they not only exceeded their own expectations but also garnered a sense of immense pride.
Placing third is a remarkable milestone for them, and they couldn’t be more appreciative of the journey and the camaraderie that brought them to this point.

Securing the third position at the NMN Awards Battle of the Bands and winning €600 is a triumph for Kwathu Band.

We’re thrilled to chart the course for our creative journey ahead. With this prize, our collective vision extends beyond just the stage; we aspire to channel these funds into the creation of an experimental short film. This cinematic endeavor will intricately weave together each member’s distinctive artistic style, serving as a tapestry of inspiration for emerging artists. Our overarching goal is to offer guidance, ignite creativity, and provide a valuable resource for future talents. While the specifics of our film project are still in the discussion phase, we are committed to leveraging this opportunity to foster artistic growth and contribute to the vibrant landscape of creative expression.
Matt Roberts, Kwanu N’kwanu Band Rep
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